Soliderrance was created as a nonprofit organization by Yves Ruffino in 2017. Its purpose was to organize solidarity trips to an isolated village in Senegal and thus allowed travelers to live a unique and immersive experience. At the same time, these travelers contributed to the development of the village (purchasing trees and seeds). Today this organisation switched to a company and become a solidarity and regenerative travel agency. Colombia is its first destination.
About my father
Since my childhood, the idea of leaving has allowed my mind to travel to imaginary places and find my space of freedom. As soon as I was old enough, backpack and nose to the wind, I traveled through several regions from north to south of the “beautiful blue”. From the midnight sun that never sets in the far north, my steps have taken me to the scorching midday sun of the sub-Saharan desert. There was THE encounter with the elements, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, the same thrills, the same emotions so well expressed by Frison Roche, Théodore Monod, Charles Foucauld, Emmanuel Schmitt, Saint Exupéry. “We sit on a sand dune, we see nothing and hear nothing, and yet something radiates in silence” (St Exupéry). Then it was the discovery of black Africa by sub-Saharan Mali and my involvement in an association working for health in the Gao region, Mali. This experience followed by the descent of the Niger River to Timbuktu allowed me to have another look at Africa. Today I have at heart to share my less passionate view of the one who wanted to change everything but just as benevolent on this continent which quite simply deserves to be known for what it is. My meeting with Émile, a Franco-Senegalese guide, allowed me to offer you part of the way towards this adventure.
About me and my intentions
For my part, Adrien Ruffino, his son, I decided in 2021 to give new impetus to this great initiative and I created Soliderrance SAS, a solidarity and regenerative travel agency.
Why did I decide to change my life and create a solidarity and regenerative travel agency?
First, a need for coherence made me resign from the professional environment in which I had been involved for 13 years (commercial management in the sports industry).
Then, the intention was to convert a passion for travels and to align my personal values to a professional activity. So, I decided to take up my father’s original idea and turn it into a company. I put my vision and my ambitions into it while maintaining the initial values of solidarity.
My intention is to create conditions for exchanges, sharing and discoveries. Experiencing, during a stay or holidays, that alternative way of living is possible and thus try to sow a small seed among these curious travelers in search of meanings.
Through their presence, Soliderrance travelers support the development of ecological, agricultural, social, educational, and cultural projects. Projects that make sense and regenerate Earth and the People. In my opinion, humanity will only be strengthened by knowing, understanding, and accepting each other’s. So, let’s travel to experience it.
And that’s what I want by creating this unique and authentic agency: bring together people who take care of their environments.
Values and intentions are set: travel to places where they care for Earth and People for a sustainable and peaceful life.
In May 2021, in my room in Bogota, I took up my pen to share a piece of my story.