At Hernando and his family

The reference family farm.

The region

Perched at an altitude of between 1,200 m and 1,800 m, the “coffee growing “ area is situated in the west-central region of  Columbia in the middle of the triangle which links Bogota, Medellin and Cali. The main cities are Armenia, Pereira and Manizales. The mountainous landscape of the  Cordillera Central in the Andes has beautiful villages and an easy going lifestyle. Tropical forests and temperatures fluctuating between 8 to 24 degrees are the main criteria to source good quality coffee in large quantities the harvest periods are short but frequent). In 2011 a part of the coffee growing region was recognised as part of UNESCO for its importance to the Columbian economy combined with its cultural wealth and its breathtaking landscapes.  

Vos actions solidaires & régenératives

  • Découvrez la région du café pour vivre la Colombie traditionnelle
  • Ressentez l’histoire et vivez le présent de Medellín en rencontrant ses habitants
  • Ressourcez-vous dans la région reculée du chocó en passant plusieurs jours avec une communauté
  • Voyagez à travers plusieurs régions entre villes, montagnes, jungle et océan
  • Profitez de l’accompagnement d’un guide local tout au long de votre voyage

The hosts

3 generations dedicated to biodiversity, a family story.  When you meet Hernando, you meet a visionary man, an autodidact. He went against the green revolution established by the federation of the “Cafeteros“ in the 80’s and transformed a 1-hectare coffee moculture into a self-sufficient farm.    

Hernando and his family are a reference of excellence throughout the entire country. Anybody who has had the slightest interest in bio-agroecology, bioconstruction and sustainable life have been through Hernando’s farm at least once.  

During your stay, you will share in the family’s way of life: craft industry, bio construction, animal care, fruit harvesting. The family will share their experiences, their dreams and their visions for a sustainable world. You will be accommodated in Bamboo cabins; the running water on the farm comes from their own spring and the ingenious bio filter system. You will have the choice of local or vegetarian food. You will visit villages like Filanda and you will go for a walk in “El Valle de Cocora” and for the trekkers among you, you will have the opportunity to reach the snowy summit of El Nevado del Ruiz.  

Spending time with Hernando is a precious gift for yourself, Hernando and his family and for the planet. 

Our other Colombian hosts​